Mysty breezes are broken by its swift running.
Primal instinct tells it to run through the Trees
And tread among the Lands of the World,
For it is it's Mother, it is it's Home.
The Sands of the Deserts warm my skin
As the Mountains allow me to evade harsh winds;
The Trees shield me from the sun
As the wolf stands beside me.
I want to be one with the Earth, my Mother.
I want to feel the Sand blowing against my face,
See Leaves fall all around me in a colorful splash
As the wolf looks into my eyes.
I want to be one with the Earth, our Mother.
I wish to run with the wolves upon her face,
I want to feel the Tree branches slide against me
As I run because my Mother wishes for me to run;
My brothers and sisters run beside me.
I see the Earth man stand before me,
I am the wolves themselves, I am their mind.
I can feel the Earth move under me -
Shifting in her slumber as her astral body moves me.
She is always there, my Home, my Mother,
Always telling me to run with the wolves.
She knows what is right, and it pleases her that I do.
She shows me the way to be One with the Earth,
She shows me the secrets of the wolf, to be One with you.