Like the sweetest angel, gazing up at the Maker,
In wonder and amazement I pray you keep my giving heart,
As I dream about you within this dreamy life ontop of this heart-shaped moon,
As you give me something from this dream I am in to find your love.
Sing a love serenade with a Mini-Pearl in my hand
As you promiscuously foretell, as my prompter and goddess Aphrodite.
Love you unconditionally as you soothe me with the morning sun
Then gently pale me with my heat between your airy fingers.
Fill my heart with your life-giving breath as you speak softly
The words that give hope and inspiration and sunshine to this frail rosebud - this love: a high.
My pleasure, my power, my love: wish that you supply me with more,
Yet, I wish to control this growing addiction - to this white rosebud upon this white pillow
Of laminated hearts - this angel spreads his wings and exposes a bed of rosebuds.
A vision of beauty traverses the yearning heart of the gentleman who soulfully expresses this sincerity,
For he supplies his love from his heart to his graceful voice and exemplifies his devotion to you.
Expatriate any sense of fear and doubt about the coming
Of a graceful dove lifting up a heart-shaped wreath of rosebuds
Eager to bloom and devote itself to an immortal sun
Who shall give it life evermore - a life, a love as great as the
Beauty and mind and soul that supplies its creation and life: a native xeno-feeling of true love
That contradicts the river Styx and leaves honest men in poetic rhapsody.
Trade me not for a moment of silence or splendor,
For not a gaze upon an angel or the heart of Aphrodite
Shall be compromised between 't and the love I shall express and show thee.
The bienvenue of my heart laid upon thine soul shall exist from the arrival
Of a fluttering rosebud upon thine lips to the passionate kiss of a dead rose
Whose own soul shall escape and find refuge in thee.